Last year I shot a story about Finnish Bankers working in London.
At that point, the economic was still in a better shape, or at least people thought it was. I remember that the Euro against the pound was something like 1,45, at the moment it is 1,08. I shot many pics for that story, there was one thing in common, in all of pictures. People were in a hurry, in whatever they did. I know this doesn't come as anything new for people who live in London, but the amount of rushing in the Bank area, is completely different from other places in London.
Every banker needs to have their Blackberry, this is nothing new.
But, what striked me the most, was these Joggin' Clubs. Yep. Bankers have joggin' clubs, and they actually go joggin' in the middle of their work day, in the traffic, surrounded by people rushin for their 15 minute lunch break.
Of course I also found couple of guys, who took their dinner as a form of liquid. They seemed kind of relaxed.
I just felt in these times of our credit crunch, to look back at how London looked like a year ago...!! It could be at the moment, that people don't have time to even go for a lunch....or can't afford one.
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