Sunday, 1 March 2009

Alpo Suhonen, former NHL-coach.

This is a funny story. Or I don't know if it is funny.
So, I was ordered to take a picture of a ice-hockey coach, former NHL-coach, Alpo Suhonen. I had a low amount of time, to take this picture, maybe about 5 minutes.
People, don't understand, that sometimes when you take pictures, you need to have the setup ready, and depending on the person, it could be you only have 1-2minutes of time to take the picture. So if you see bad pictures in newspapers, that is one of the reasons. Of course, some photographers just have amazing verbal talents, and no skills.

So, when I met Alpo, he was in a hurry. Nowadays, every single person is in a hurry. It doesn't matter, if you are shooting them in the studio or outside, they are always in a hurry. I don't know, whether it is fear of losing our jobs? In my case, impossible. I can not lose my job, I can only gain more clients or lose clients.

So, I had many ideas, when I saw Alpo, but the reason why this portrait is taken from the left side, is that he had just had a surgery on his right eye, and he insisted I would not show it. If you look closely, you can see that on the right eye, there is a small patch, which is covering the whole eye.

I am not sure, if it the most interesting shot in the world, but it certainly is bit different from the normal portrait shots, you tend to see in the magazines and newspapers.

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