Yep. Some people say photographing is not about equipment. Yep, it is not. I completely agree, but in anything you do, when you want to become better, you want better equipment. In my work, sky is the limit. At the moment, I am still mainly shooting with my lovely old 5D, because for most of the job, it works. I have been testing other Digital backs, but I really don't like the way they work. It seems, that they all have that PC-type-of-interface in them. I don't know about this camera though. It is not really out yet, but it should be good. At least, if it isn't a good camera, It looks great.
Leica S2. he first camera, the S-2, will feature a 37.5 megapixel CCD sensor in a weatherproof body which is similar in size and handling to conventional 35mm-type DSLRs. So It should be great. To be honest, I've been a Canon guy, then switched to Nikon at one moment, and now I am back at Canon.
I have so many lenses for my Canon camera. Here is my equipment list. If anyone ever asks, what are u shooting with.
Two Computers and a screen : A Duo-core PC, with a 24'inch Dell-Screen,a Sony w4000 Full-Hd screen, and a new Macbook Pro 15'inch.
Backup : DVD's, and many 500Giga external Hard-Disks.
Software : Photoshop/Bridge Cs3 and Apple Aperture.
Cameras : Canon 5D, Panasonic Lumix Lx-3, Holga, Petri Penta 35mm and a Olympus Mju.
Planning to get the 5D mark 2, and probably the S2 or similar at some point.
Lenses : Tamron 28-75 2.8 Macro, Canon 50 mm 1.4, Canon 24 1.4L , Canon 70-200 IS USM 2.8 L, and a 2x Converter.
Radio Transmitters : 3 Pocketwizards, From B/H photo.Don't get anything ELSE!
Flashes : Quantum t5Dr, Canon 430ex, Nikon Sb-800, Lumisoft fx150, Couple of 300w-flashes. Planning to get the new Profoto, after some testing.
Bag : Lowepro +, and when I walk around, just a normal bag.
Light adaptors : Reflectors, small and big, Gary Fong, Lumisoft Umbrellas, etc.
Batteries : Turbo 2x2 Quantum and rechargable batteries.
Filters : Standard UV-filters.
My favorite equipment : THE SUN.
For recommending anyone with the cheapest alternative for extremely good photography I would say go get the OLD 5D as an used one, probably around 800-900€, and a new Tamron 28-75 2.8 Macro lens, and as a flash just an old Nikon flash, with Manual settings, and couple of Pocket wizards. Play around with them, and they are suitable for 60-70% of any photography you will ever need to do. Just be creative. And if you get the possibility to shoot outside. Do that! Remember, the sun is one light source more. Use it, don't kill it.