Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Helsinki - 51cm of Snow in 2 days

Something from my former homecity...

I visited Madrid, Spain. I used to live there, when I was young.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Some new shots from New York...

I had a hectic 2 weeks in New York, with 20 meetings, and received great contacts...
I also managed to shoot a little bit... here are some shots. I will not upload all of them... just a sneak preview...


Sunday, 18 April 2010

Friday, 16 April 2010

Street Photography : London

When I first started taking pictures. I loved to take pictures of real moments. It is still my passion, and I think it is also the thing I am best at. Capturing the essence, and the moments. I think there is nothing as therapeutic as walking around a big city with music on your earphones, and waiting for the real moment, and capture something normal, and making it to something beautiful.

I have been doing Street photography all around the world, and I really love it. I always walk around with one fixed lens. Maybe a 50mm or a 24mm, depends on what mood I am at. Getting closer to the object is always very important, and avoiding being noticed is very hard. Especially if you are carrying a big lens, and a big camera. I normally walk around with my 5 D mark 2, and a 24 1.4L, or 50 1.4. I would love to walk around with a Leica M9, but at the moment, it is just a dream. I will get one eventually at some moment, or even a M10, because a rangefinder is the best way to take pictures, without being noticed. I really can't use a compact camera, because of the shutter lag.

The camera has to be fast, portable and hopefully small. In my opinion a Canon 5D mark 2, without the battery grip, is very good for this.

Here are some Street Pictures I took.  It really makes me feel young again!